Arauca is a love story between two lands that are separated and united in turn by a river. A river that has existed since before his memory, and through him that these lovers sail now. Enjoying the natural beauties of the calm waters and paddling eagerly and in synch against the current to discover the hidden treasures in a relationship along the landscape we call life.
Two lands that are inexorably united in the depth of their roots, diluting what man calls "borders."
This piece was born at the request of a Colombian-Venezuelan couple who wanted a piece representing their union and, in turn, the relationship between these sister countries.
The design of the coastal line takes us to the center of attention of the piece, a minimalist and delicate point of union between both lands. You can see him from behind, and she shows her front. Both lie watching each other, delighting in their beauty accompanied by the symphony that only land so rich in fauna and flora can provide.