ABOUT this artwork:
"Unchained Memories" is a series of works made recently with analog photographic procedures such as liquid emulsion with pictorial or collage interventions and also paintings with photographic interventions.
These works approach from different angles and techniques the question of memories, the record, the manipulation of memory or its more enigmatic and hidden side.
Starting from anonymous and old photographic material, this is manipulated and recontextualized giving it a new meaning combining reflection and emotion.
The purpose is to stir up dormant memories and emotions and invite reflection on who we are and how we came to be this way: that is, on the role of memories in our lives.
About Lluís Estopiñan Canals
I'm a long-career painter but ten years ago I fell in love with photography and incorporated it into my work, especially in old analogue processes.I am interested in the process as part of the discourse in each project in which I want it to make sense and that results in something palpable, not virtual and that combines reflection and emotion.Images on media sometimes used as a mirror where our emotions and memories are reflected; as a wall on which to express them, or as a window to access other mental spaces.The questions that have motivated my work refer to life as a temporal space of possibilities, or the perception of reality and also, more recently, everything that revolves around memory as a central element of our changing identity with the passage of timeThese works carried out in recent years combining painting and collage with analogue photographic procedures such as cyanotype or liquid emulsion with collage or pictorial interventions, approach from different angles and forms the relationship of photography with the passage of time, memories, the record, the manipulation of memory, its enigmatic side, hidden or its traces.Often starting from anonymous old photographic material that I manipulate, re-contextualize or give new meanings, I seek in each series through the image, but also through the technique and the material, to remove memories and emotions dormant in us.I would like to stimulate reflection on who we are and how we have shaped ourselves in this way based on overlapping experiences, learnings, emotions... and the memory of all of it, personal, non-transferable, personalized and incommunicable.
More about Lluís Estopiñan Canals