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Para visualizar una exposición desde un dispositivo móvil
To view an exhibition from a mobile device




Consult our video-tutorials on the multiple possibilities at your fingertips


What is a Virtual Exhibition?

E-virtualgallery exhibitions are held in online 3D environments that are part of our extensive range of free exhibition rooms.

All the rooms are customizable and the exhibitions you hold in them can be easily spreaded through Social Networks or with a link from your own website.

You can find more information on this video.

How can I create my own Virtual Exhibition?

Here’s how you can create your own virtual exhibition:

  1. Create an account on E-virtualgallery specifying if you are a gallery or an artist.
  2. Once you have your account, you can access your Control Panel from where you can manage everything you need to create your virtual exhibitions.

How do I set up a Virtual Exhibition?

Setting up a Virtual Exhibition is very simple.

If you are a GALLERY:

  1. Start by creating the profile of the artists whose works you want to exhibit.  
    You can do it from the "ARTISTS" tab of your Control Panel.  
    You can find more information on this video.
  2. Add photos of the artworks of each of the artists participating in the exhibition. You can do it from the "WORKS" tab of your Control Panel.  
    You can find more information on this video.
  3. Create a new Exhibition from the "EXHIBITIONS" tab of your Control Panel and follow the steps indicated to choose your room, select works, photos, background music, etc.  
    You can find more information on this video.

If you are an ARTIST:

  1. Start by uploading the photos of the works you want to display in your exhibition. You can do it from the "WORKS" tab of your Control Panel.  
    You can find more information on this video.
  2. Create a new Exhibition from the "EXHIBITIONS" tab of your Control Panel and follow the steps indicated to choose your room, select works, photos, background music, etc.  
    You can find more information on this video.

How should I prepare the photos of the works to be exhibited?

Use web-optimized JPG or PNG files in 8-bit/channel RGB mode.  
Scale images to a minimum size of 1000 pixels on the shortest side. The maximum file size must not exceed 3 MB per work and must always be at a resolution of 72 dpi. Using higher resolutions does NOT improve display quality and instead slows down the loading time of the exhibition.

The photo must be frontal, with 90o angles and without outer margins.  
Make sure the lighting is uniform.  
If the work is framed, remove the frame on the photo. Then, when creating the exhibition, you can frame it again with our tools for this purpose. Otherwise, your photo frame will appear flat (no 3D effect) and will seem to be part of the artwork.

If your work is not rectangular or square, you must save it in PNG format with a transparent background. In this case you will not be able to give it thickness or virtual framing and it will automatically be a little bit separate from the exhibition wall with a shadow effect.

If, instead of an artwork, you want to place a text on the wall, you must also export the image in PNG format with a transparent background. Take care not to use a very small text size as it would make it difficult to read. You will find more information about it in the question “Can I add text panels to a wall?”.

What do I have to do to upload the works I want to exhibit?

In the "WORKS" tab of your Control Panel you must press the "Upload artwork" button. Doing so will display the information sheet of the work you want to add to your collection. Select the photo of your work on your computer and add it from the dialog window or by dragging it directly onto the tab.

Next, fill in all the information fields. Keep in mind that the measurements of the work must correspond to its real size (in centimeters) so that they are seen in the correct proportion when you place them on the walls of your showroom. You can activate the "Check by default" boxes so that the following works that you upload keep the same information and you do not have to repeat it’s writing.

If the work is not in your possession (for example, if it is exhibited in a gallery) and you want to inform potential buyers, you can indicate where it is and even add a link to the website of whoever has it on deposit.

You can find more information on this video.

How can I assign a cover image to my exhibition?

When you follow the steps to create an exhibition, you will see a button called "Cover Photo" from where you can access your works and photos to choose the image of your choice.

If you are a Gallery and want to use your logo, you will find a box that when checked will select your logo as the cover image. You must have previously uploaded this image from the "INFO GALLERY" tab of your control panel.

How can I share my virtual exhibitions?

With E-virtualgallery it is very easy to share your exhibitions with your followers and collectors. There are two ways to do it:

  1. Through social networks:  
    After configuring your exhibition you will be able to obtain a link that, when pasted in any of your favorite social networks or emails, will allow all those to whom you send it to view the exhibition.  
    This option is applyable to all Subscription Plans including the free Trial modality.
  2. From your own website:  
    With the Basic, Plus and Pro subscription modalities you can also have a permanent link to embed on your website in the form of a button or text link. Anyone who presses it will access a portal where all the virtual exhibitions that you have available at that moment will be specified.  
    In case you have more than one active exhibition, you can also use this permanent link to broadcast your simultaneous exhibitions through social networks and email.
  3. Through  
    With the Basic, Plus and Pro subscription modalities, all the exhibitions you make will be included in the E-artlovers catalog and will be promoted through its website.

Is it possible to have multiple exposures at once?

Of course, although this option is only available in the Plus (up to 5 simultaneous exhibitions) and Pro (up to 20 simultaneous exhibitions) subscription modalities.

How can I delete an exhibition?

n the "EXHIBITIONS" tab of your control panel you will find all the exhibitions you have created and you can view them as a list or as photo cards. In this second option, on the right side of the card you will find an icon with three dots that, when deployed, will offer you the option of permanently deleting the exhibition.

What kind of artworks am I allowed to show in my exhibitions?

At E-virtualgallery we defend the freedom of expression of all artists.

Even so, keep in mind that you are responsible for all legal implications derived from the exhibition of your works.

You must consider copyright laws and the legal consequences for the display of pornographic content, incitement to violence or any other possible crime derived from the content of the exhibited works.

E-virtualgallery reserves the right to cancel the account of those who misuse their ability to display content that violates the dignity of people.

Can I add a permanent background sound to my exhibition?

Of course. When you follow the steps of creating your exhibition, you will find the "Music" section where we offer you a wide assortment of musical themes as a background for your exhibition.

Ambient sound starts when you enter the showroom and automatically repeats when playback ends. Visitors, if they wish, can silence the musical background.

When the viewer approaches a video or artwork that has its own audio, the ambient sound is reduced to prevent the two audios from overlapping.

Can I add text panels to a wall?

Text panels can be very attractive for the visitor of a virtual exhibition. They offer a museographic aspect and allow to highlight key messages of the artist or the theme of the exhibition.

These texts should be treated as an image and exported in PNG format with a transparent background.

We advise you not to be excessively long and to use legible fonts.

When you upload text images, you can save them indistinctly in the WORKS section or in the PHOTOS/VIDEOS section of your Control panel, although we recommend that you later classify them into folders in the GROUPS section.

If you upload the text image to the WORKS section, you must assign it a specific size equivalent to the actual size in which you want it to appear when placed on a wall.

If you upload the text image to the PHOTOS/VIDEOS section, you can scale it when placing it in the exhibition. In this case, use images with a good resolution so that they do not lose quality if they are placed large size.

Can I place sculptures in my virtual gallery?

This is version 1.0 of E-virtualgallery and, although we have made an effort to cover all the needs of artists and gallery owners, it has not yet been possible for us to incorporate the sculpture module for our exhibitions. But, we are working hard to add this option as soon as possible!

If you want us to notify you as soon as this extension is ready, you can leave us your notice from here.

Can I embed an exhibition on my own website?

This option can be implemented very easily in any of our subscription plans, except for the TRIAL mode.

In the "User Data" tab of your account information, you will find the link to your "Exhibition Gate".

This link is personal and permanent and you can embed it on your website as a button or text link. Anyone who presses it will access a gate where all the virtual exhibitions that you have available at that moment will be reviewed.

Can I sell my works from my virtual exhibition?

From E-virtualgallery we want to give you all our support for the SPREADING and COMMERCIALIZATION of your works and for this we have our own website E-

You decide if you simply want to spread your artworks or if you also want a way to carry out the electronic transaction of your sales.

This can be done in two steps:

  1. In the "STATUS" section of the information card for each work, you will find some boxes for you to select if that work is available for sale.
  2. At the time of creating an exhibition you can also decide if you want to inform the price of each work and if there is availability to sell the exhibited works.

In exhibitions with sales enabled, when a buyer is interested in a work, clicking on it will obtain the information that you have added to that work's file. The potential buyer will have the option to request more information (whose request we will send you via email) or booking the work directly.

How does the process of booking and selling works work?

Transactions for artworks sales to collectors are carried out through our website E-

When a potential buyer decides to reserve a work, it is marked with a green indicator in the exhibition.

The interested party must provide their email and indicate the delivery address of the work in case they buy it.

E-artlovers will automatically inform you by email and in your "notifications" section of the web, so that you can estimate the work with the costs of packaging and transport. You can complete this budget from the information sheet of the artwork or simply attach it in pdf format.

You can complete this budget from the information sheet of the artwork or simply attach it in pdf format.

If the buyer accepts your budget and proceeds to the corresponding payment, we will inform you immediately so that you can start the packaging and transport process.

Simultaneously, you must inform us of the expected sending and receiving dates for the work (from the form attached to the file of your work) and attach the sales invoice.

From E-artlovers we will request you the account number where you wish to receive payment for the sale of the work, which will be made within a maximum period of 48 hours.

This process will be carried out each time you make a sale since, due to privacy policy, E-artlovers does not keep any banking information of its subscribers.

For more information, you can consult our Policy for the purchase/sale of artworks.

When a work is booked, is it no longer available to other interested buyers?

When a potential buyer reserves a work, they have a period of 3 (three) days to make a decision about their purchase from the moment you have sent your sales quote. If we do not receive confirmation of purchase within that period, the quote will be archived and the reservation canceled.

During those three days, any other interested party will have the option to book it as a second choice. This means that if for any reason the sale is not completed with the first person who reserved the artwork, E- artlovers will contact the new interested party to inform them of the new availability of the piece.

If there are more than two interested parties, this process will be carried out with all interested parties, maintaining a strict order based on the dates on which they made their reservations.

How can I define the order of the Virtual Tour?

When you create an exhibition, the works that you add to the walls will be numbered in the same order in which you place them. This number will appear in orange color to the right of the title of the work in the drop-down window with all the works in your exhibition. It is also found in the drop-down window that appears when you click on the artworks that you have already placed in the exhibition. From that window you can change the order number of the tour and reassign your visit secuence.

Can I have my own virtual showroom for exclusive use?

Of course!  
At E-virtualgallery we can create the virtual space of your dreams or make a replica of your "real" gallery.  
Since this is a process that is not done automatically, you can contact us from here o tell us the specifications of your customized showroom.

How can visitors contact me?

When a visitor views your exhibition, they can obtain more information about the works by clicking on them. When doing so, a window is displayed with the basic data of the work, where there is a button to request more information and contact the person in charge of the exhibition.

How can I modify my subscription plan?

It is very simple. In the section of your account, you will find a tab with your " E- virtualgallery PLAN". There you will see what subscription plan you have choosed and two buttons that allow you to change or cancel it.

If you want to change it to a higher modality, the new rate will automatically be applied to you with its associated features and you will be billed for the difference between the new subscription plan and the previous one.

If you wish to change it to a lower modality, you will be able to continue enjoying the benefits of your current plan until the date of your next renewal, at which time you will be billed the rate of your new selected plan.

If you simply want to cancel your subscription, you will be able to continue using your current plan until the expiration date, at which time you will not be charged for renewal and your subscription will be cancelled.

Are there customized plans?

At E-virtualgallery we want to spread art as easy as possible and that is why we have created 4 subscription plans adapted to most situations.

In any case, we will be happy to analyze individual cases in which we can contribute to specific needs.

If you are an NGO, Foundation or educational institution and need a specific plan, contact us here.

If your professional needs are greater than those covered by our PRO plan, ell us about your project and we will find a solution that fits your requirements.

What payment methods can I use to subscribe?

We accept credit card and bank transfer.

Since payments by bank transfer require more administrative efforts, they are only applyable for annual payments of the PLUS and PRO plans.

If you wish to pay by bank transfer, inform us through the contact form or by email indicating the Plan you wish to hire. Please include your name or company name, billing address and your VAT ID.

How can I change my account information?

In the information section of your account, you will find a tab with the "USER DATA". Modify the information you want and save your changes.

How can I reset my password?

To change anything about with your account at E-virtualgallery, you must first log in. If you do not remember your password, click on "I forgot my password" and we will send you an email with instructions to reset it.

Next, navigate to your profile icon at the top right of the page. Hovering over it will open a drop-down menu where you can select "Account Info". There you will find a tab with the "USER DATA". Click on the “CHANGE PASSWORD” button, enter your current and new password information and click “Save”.

Your E-virtualgallery password is the same for E-artlovers.