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About Xavier Onteniente Palet
Techniques:Charcoal - Sanguine - Pastel - Wax - Oil - Acrylic - Watercolor - Gouache - InkXavier Onteniente Palet, born in Caldes de Montbui / BARCELONAHe has exhibited regularly since then and has received numerous awards in artistic drawing.Professor of Fashion Design at C.I. BarcelonaGraphic Designer in IllustrationAdvertising IllustratorHe was part of the Walt Disney Studios team in Spain.A self-taught artist, his career stands as an example of artistic precocity and sensitivity, with an extraordinary gift for his vocation.Onteniente Palet, a multifaceted and versatile artist capable of handling any subject, develops well-differentiated techniques in his work, always situated within a neo-impressionist figuration. His ability to synthesize and his bravery in tackling complex compositions create high-quality images that he resolves with a high level of knowledge and mastery.The primary techniques in his initial phase are: Charcoal, ink, pastel, wax, sanguine, and watercolor.He proves to be an excellent draftsman, dedicating a large part of his work to the female figure (nudes), recreating it with particular talent. Lyricism and sensuality coexist effortlessly in a distorted drawing executed with apparent spontaneity.His work is distinguished by a warm, sober, and measured chromaticism in the tones, with a sensual, subtle, and intimate tenderness, full of quality and elegance of a sublime concept.The second technique is oil, which he cultivates with great success, developing an intense neo-impressionism softened by the freshness of color. His latest technique, acrylic and acrylic-mixed, is a blend of sensations beyond all conventionalism.Onteniente Palet develops a broad and refined chromaticism, imbued with his innate wisdom.Onteniente Palet exhibits regularly in various cities both nationally and internationally. His passion for the diversity of cultures has allowed him to capture environments marked by profound vitality, which he skillfully transfers to his canvases with a balanced mix of flat surfaces and precise material applications. A series of landscapes, seascapes, and figures, using various techniques ranging from oil to charcoal drawing, sanguine, pastel, and acrylic, showcasing his great sensitivity in the treatment of color and light. In the works of this artist, there are no hidden enigmas, but neither can it be said that the artist follows the path of exacerbated realism. The same balance maintained in technique is also transferred to the themes, which are seemingly banal, utterly everyday, and universally referential. The result depends not so much on the chosen theme as on the treatment and, above all, the degree of vitality the artist has decided to impose, whether with the brush or the palette knife, playing with the depths of the paint with the same ease as a child discovering colors for the first time, with identical force and dynamism.
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