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Jordi Bresoli


Geometry is present in every point on Earth, where each point has its own measure and each measure its own energy. This was known by the ancient builders, who, through various formulas, could calculate the measure that enhanced the required energy of the site where they wished to erect a building or temple, using the distance to the sun and the latitude of the Earth.

Based on these teachings, these geometries are constructed, making each one a unique work, intensifying the required energy in a highly localized manner for the observer or the place.

Jordi Bresoli

With a degree in Artistic Forging and Sculpture obtained at the Escola Ondara de Tàrrega, this artist opted for a self-taught route from 2004, focusing especially on painting. His research delves into geometric structures from a conscious and profound perspective.

During the period 2021-2022, she dedicated herself to the development of her knowledge by taking the Sacred Geometry course, led by architect and expert in the field, Assun Vilaseca. This educational process significantly enriched her artistic understanding.

In the following year, she moved to Berlin, where she worked within the Gasberk collective.

His work has been exhibited in different salons and galleries, both in his hometown of Lleida, Barcelona, Italy among others. 

Career (CV)

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Jordi Bresoli