ABOUT this artwork:
Enric CORMENZANA “Personatges IV”
YOUTH BIOGRAPHICAL DATA 1948 Born in Barcelona on July 231960 A brain illness forces him to rest and although his high school studies were interrupted, he studies guitar and piano and even composes a 20-minute work for guitar that will be premiered at the Casal del Médico in Barcelona in 1963.1962 Recovered from his illness and attentive to his vocation for Painting, he wants to enter the School of Fine Arts of Barcelona. One of the conditions required of him is to have practiced "Del Antiguo" drawing for 4 years, so he enrolls in the Massana School to study it. After the entrance exam and thanks to his talents, he goes directly to the 3rd year of said School.In 1963 he enrolled in the Sant Jorge School of Fine Arts and obtained the highest grade in the entrance exam, but he also resigned from this School without having attended any classes.In 1964 he resumed his high school studies.In 1964 he obtained the Calella Painting Prize, Barcelona. He wins the Banyoles Girona Drawing Prize. He is awarded the Hostafranchs City Council Painting Prize. The City Council of Las Corts, Barcelona, awards him the Painting Prize.1968 After successfully completing his Baccalaureate studies, he enters the Barcelona School of Architecture. He obtains the Young Painting Prize at the Sala Parés, Barcelona. He wins the First Prize for Painting in Calella and La Roca, Barcelona.In 1969 he won the Santa María de L'Estany Painting Prize at the Centarmen del I Millenario of his Foundation. The Les Corts City Council awards him the Painting Prize.1970 he obtained the Vich Drawing Prize, Barcelona. He gets the San Cugat Painting Prize, Barcelona. He obtains the Cardedeu Painting Prize, Barcelona.In 1971 he left the School of Architecture to dedicate himself completely to Painting. He travels to Paris, where locked in his studio he paints uninterruptedly for a long year. He obtains the Bronze Medal at the National Hall of May, Barcelona. He exhibits at the "Internationale Kunstmesse" in Basel, Switzerland, and at the Frankfurter Buchmesse in Frnkfurt, Germany.1972 he is invited to participate in the Exhibition-Tribute to J. Llucià at the Sant Llluch Artistic Circle in Barcelona. He exhibits again at the "Internationale Kunstmesse" in Basel, Switzerland. He exhibits at the "Internationale Kunstmesse" in Düsseldorf, Germany.