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Teresa Seguí Guinovart

Teresa Seguí Guinovart

You are led into the mystery of what intimate conversations produce, between emotion and creation. Colourful fragility accompanies the raw power of those impulses that are convulsive and nearly uncontrollable, giving Teresa Seguí's drawings a potency in their tenderness.


Career (CV)

Teresa Seguí Guinovart 

Barcelona, 1962 

She begins her professional work in the field of book illustration with a collective created after her studies at Escola Massana and Art and Design School Llotja, both in Barcelona. She works in theatre for a period of time. From 1995 to 2000, she becomes a poet et codirects a radio program called “Poesia,versus” in Barcelona. After five years living in the forests of Montnegre , she lands at La Roca del Vallès.

She is a Fine Arts graduate from the University of Barcelona since 2012. In 2013 she opens, and coordinates since then, Tangram-Espai polièdric in Barcelona, an active art workshop.   

She is a member of the artistic collective  Cuks. She has been part of several collective and solo exhibitions in Catalonia and in France. One of her last exhibitions: “Quotidians” at Espronceda Institute of Art & Culture and at Artenllà Gallery, both in Barcelona. She was finalist at  IX Biennal d´Art sobre paper in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, Catalonia. She has work in the permanent collection of the Museum of Granollers, Catalonia. 

Esther Montoriol gallery december 2014


More exhibitions of Teresa Seguí Guinovart

A prop
Teresa Seguí Guinovart