Through figurative painting, José Antonio Ochoa seeks to counteract the visual exhaustion caused by the voracious consumption of images from the mass media. Therefore, he creates silent paintings capable of evoking contemplation and restoring the intimacy of a gaze. He finds inspiration in pre-existing images, with his latest projects originating from cinema. By using decontextualization, he presents enigmatic images that generate questions in the viewer without offering answers. Whether through landscape or portrait, his art aims to create a space for serene reflection, works capable of providing tranquility and peace, much desired in our frenetic world.
José Antonio Ochoa was born in Mexico City in 1990. In 2010, he traveled to Chicago (USA) to participate in various courses at the American Academy of Art. In 2011, he moved to Seville to begin his Fine Arts degree. In 2013, he received a SICUE Scholarship and moved to Valencia to continue his studies at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, graduating in Fine Arts two years later. In 2017, he completed a Master's in Artistic Production, also at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He complemented his university education by attending courses with artists such as Antonio López and Juan F. Lacomba.
He has participated in various exhibitions in London, Helsinki, Chicago, Edinburgh, Sunderland, Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Zaragoza, Logroño, Mexico City, and Querétaro. He has won the Mainel Foundation National Painting Award (Valencia) and the Vila de Paterna Painting Biennial (Valencia), and he has received various recognitions and selections in different painting competitions, such as the BP Portrait Award (London), the IberCaja Young Painting Award, the National Painting Award from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos, and the BMW Painting Award, among others.
José Antonio Ochoa
2017: Master's in Artistic Production, Polytechnic University of Valencia
2015: Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts, Polytechnic University of Valencia (1st-2nd year at the University of Seville)
2010: American Academy of Art (Chicago, USA)
2016: Painting Workshop “Masters of Figuration” with Antonio López, University Museum of Navarra
2013: Creative Workshop "Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow, and Blue?" with Juan Fernández Lacomba, Andalusian Center of Contemporary Art (Seville)
My Name’s Lolita Art Gallery (Madrid)
Vangar Gallery (Valencia)
Aldama Fine Art (Mexico City)
Eclectic Gallery (London)
Selected for the XXVIII Certamen de Pintura Ciudad de Algemesí
Selected for the Ibercaja Young Painting Award 2022 (Zaragoza)
Selected for the XXXVII BMW Painting Award
Selected for the III Bienal María Isabel Comenge
Selected for the XXXII Certamen de Pintura y Escultura Ciudad de Álora
Selected for the XXVII Premio de Pintura Ciutat d'Algemesí
Selected for the XVII Certamen Nacional de Pintura Contemporánea Casimiro Baragaña
First Prize, XXVII Bienal de Pintura Vila de Paterna (Valencia)
Selected for the XVI Certamen de Pintura Contemporánea “Casimiro Baragaña” (Asturias)
Selected for the XXXVI Muestra Arte Joven En La Rioja
Selected for the Real Academia De Bellas Artes De San Carlos (Valencia)
Selected for the VI Concurso de Artes Plásticas Dcoop (Cordoba)
Selected for the IberCaja Young Painting Award (Zaragoza)
Selected for the Fundación Cañada Blanch Award (Valencia)
Selected for the 10th Certamen Nacional de Pintura Parlamento de la Rioja (Logroño)
Selected for the XXI National Painting Award Real Academia De Bellas Artes De San Carlos (Valencia)
Selected for the XLIX Painting Award Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia (Valencia)
Winner of the XXI Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia)
Selected for the XLII Certamen Nacional de Pintura Villa de Pego (Alicante)
Selected for the XXXIX Certamen Minicuadros Huestes del Cadi (Alicante)
Selected for the XXVII Bienal de Pintura Vila de Paterna (Valencia)
Selected for the XVI Certamen de Pintura Contemporánea “Casimiro Baragaña” (Asturias)
Selected for the XXXVI Muestra Arte Joven En La Rioja
Acquisition of 10 works: Kaluz Museum (Mexico City)
Selected for the BP Portrait Award, National Gallery (London)
Honorable Mention for the IberCaja Young Painting Award (Zaragoza)
Accésit XX Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia)
Acquisition of work: European Museum of Modern Art (Barcelona)
Selected for TransportArte, PAM17 and EMT (Valencia)
Selected for the 10th Certamen Nacional de Pintura Parlamento de la Rioja (Logroño)
Scholarship Fundación Arte Mexicano: Promotion and Excellence (Mexico City)
Honorable Mention XVIII Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia)
Selected for the 30th BMW Painting Award (Madrid, Spain)
Selected for the XXXIX Certamen Nacional de Pintura Villa de Pego (Alicante)
Selected for the XXXVI Certamen Minicuadros Huestes del Cadi (Alicante)
Selected for the XXXIV Painting Award S. Soria Villa de Benissa (Alicante)
Acquisition of sculpture for a public square, Ayuntamiento de Sumarcarcer (Valencia, Spain)
SICUE Scholarship at the University of Seville
Acquisition of graphic work: Fund of the University of Seville
"El Instante Decisivo" / José Antonio Ochoa. Aldama Fine Art (Mexico City)
"Ut Pictura Kinesis" / José Antonio Ochoa. Museum of Art of Querétaro and Fomento Cultural Kaluz A.C. (Mexico City)
"Colección Kaluz" / Fomento Cultural Kaluz A.C. (Mexico City, Mexico)
"La Acción del Silencio." Vangar Gallery (Valencia)
"El Instante Decisivo." Aldama Fine Art Gallery (Mexico City)
"La Pintura al Servicio de las Nubes." Vangar Gallery (Valencia)
"Mirar el Tiempo." My Name's Lolita Art Gallery (Madrid)
"Tiempo Sostenido." Thema Gallery (Valencia)
"Ut Pictura Kinesis." Museum of Art of Querétaro (Querétaro, Mexico)
"Reverse Shots." Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki)
"Contraplanos." Palacio de Colominas (Valencia)
"Herois." Espai Cultural la Societat (Sumacarcer, Valencia)
"Mirar al que mira." La Puerta Gótica (Pamplona)
"Trapos." Palacio Legislativo San Lázaro (Mexico City)
"Mi Espacio." Flow Gallery (Mexico City)
"Coincidir." Club de Industriales (Querétaro, Mexico)
"The Meaning of Beauty." Eclectic Gallery (London)
Vangar Gallery (Valencia)
"Tiempo Redimido"
"Nueva Figuración Española en los 90s." John Holland Gallery (Huelva)
"Paisajes Transversales." My Name's Lolita Art Gallery (Madrid)
"Pop UP Exhibition 2022." Eclectic Gallery (London)
"Pop UP Exhibition." Eclectic Gallery (London)
"Mixing Styles." Eclectic Gallery (London)
"Tempus Quietare." La NAU Exhibition Hall (Valencia)
Ibercaja Young Painting Award (Zaragoza)
"The Other Art Fair." The Old Truman Brewery (London)
"Realismo Español Contemporáneo." Hoki Museum (Chiba, Japan)
"Realismo Español Contemporáneo." Saga Museum (Saga, Japan)
11th Certamen Nacional de Pintura Parlamento de la Rioja (Logroño)
XLIX Painting Award Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia (Valencia)
"Encuentros V." Galería 9 (Valencia, Spain)
XXI Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia)
XLII Certamen Nacional de Pintura Villa de Pego (Alicante)
XXXIX Certamen Minicuadros Museum of Footwear (Elda, Alicante)
BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery (London)
Figuratives 2017, European Museum of Modern Art (Barcelona)
"Encuentros IV." Galería 9 (Valencia)
Ibercaja Young Painting Award (Zaragoza)
XX Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia, Spain)
10th Certamen Nacional de Pintura Parlamento de la Rioja (Logroño, Spain)
30th BMW Painting Award. Casa de Vacas (Madrid)
"Encuentros II." Galería 9 (Valencia)
XVIII Painting Award Fundación Mainel (Valencia)
XXXIX Certamen Nacional de Pintura Villa de Pego (Alicante)
XXXVI Certamen Minicuadros Huestes del Cadi (Alicante)
XXXV Painting Award S. Soria Villa de Benissa (Alicante)
"Punto de Fuga." Carmelina Sanchez-Cutillas Exhibition Space (Valencia)
"No News." Al Rusafí Exhibition Space (Valencia)
Bienal Russafart: "Otras Miradas de Russafa." Plataforma per Russafa (Valencia)
Painting Award S. Soria. Villa de Benissa (Alicante)
"Monocromo." GB Space (Seville)
"Alter Ego." Casa Jaime Sabines (Mexico City)
"Foundations." Bill L. Parks Gallery (Chicago, USA)