ABOUT this artwork:
With this work, I reflect the disconnection of individuals in our society. Stories emerge from the spots and dust specks. From a distance, you see geometric stains; up close, human figures appear behind each stain. I draw small, unique figures in rows, highlighting our individuality and anonymity. We are many, yet identical, close yet distant.
My collection reflects moments of my life and our daily stories as women. We are our own stories: as mothers, daughters, apprentices, and teachers. These paintings capture intimate, bright, doubtful, and fearful moments, showing our solidarity, commitment, and struggles. We build our stories, striving to respect, love, and care for ourselves and others.
About Bel Mur
I create from my feelings and experiences, reflecting the reality I know. My art portrays a corporatocratic and heteropatriarchal society that classifies and disconnects us, a society without critical spirit that mistreats women. Fulfilling imposed stereotypes, I forgot who I was and became lost. From despair, I reconnected to life through art, seeking personal balance and aiming to raise awareness. I paint and sculpt women who transcend labels and standards, promoting justice and harmony without discrimination. I use sustainable materials so that my work leaves an organic imprint on the world.
More about Bel Mur