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Behind words

Núria Rossell

Behind words


Language holds immense power. Some words have melodies, others have hues. There are words that we decide it's better not to say, while others empower us. Beyond words, there's much more than their literal meaning.

Núria Rossell

Nuria Rossell was born near Barcelona in 1967. Raised between two natural parks, her artwork reflects the organic forms of nature. She began her artistic journey under the guidance of her maternal grandfather, a painter and a fervent lover of poetry. This led her to pursue a degree in Philology at Autonomous University of Barcelona, alongside studies in Art History.

Her work is characterized by colors made from natural pigments, as well as organic shapes and calligraphies.

In 2019, she won the award given by the Guild of Art Galleries of Catalonia, and has received other awards and recognition in painting, public sculpture and performance. She has developed several artist books for art publishers. She has exhibited in various international art galleries, from Europe to Asia.

Her artwork tells stories that inspire her, increasingly taking on an activist stance, driven by injustices and inequalities.

Career (CV)

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Behind words
Núria Rossell