History and/or Politics
ABOUT this artwork:
Transphotography or mixed technique on watercolor paper from old photography.
Mixed technique
Maiko Chiyoha, Osaka, Japan 1911
Unique piece, 2022
About Marta Fàbregas Aragall
Marta Fàbregas (Barcelona, 1974) is an artist, activist and photographer formed at the Institute of Photographic Studies of Catalonia. Fàbregas has articulated her feminist practice transversally in her works as well as in her daily life.Anything that has to do with image is part of her DNA. She has always felt passionate about the visual language, and that’s why she chose to devote herself to photography, her passion, which allows her to combine both her artistic and entrepreneurial sides. Her main talent is knowing how to capture, in a fast and natural way, the beauty in the things that surround her. That’s where the power of her work comes from.Undoubtedly, empathy, implication and creativity are what gives every project in which she engages a power and a character that makes it special and unique.She worked in several photo studios in Barcelona such as Ferran Freixa’s and, in 1998, co-founded Estudi La Fotogràfica (www.lafotografica.com) with the also photographer Marc Vidal.From then on, she has been mainly devoted to her studio, where she developed personal and artistic work, along with commissions from museums, businesses, and private clients. She also teaches classes, workshops and seminars. She works actively for the SETBA Foundation, as director and artistic mediator, conducting artistic activities and workshops for groups at risk of social exclusion, highlighting "Traspassant l’Objectiu", a photography project carried out since 2020 with women in prison centers, such as Brians 1, Wadras, or Ponent, and which has its own publication (Brians, Mujeres Invisibles. Editorial Lumínic). In addition, she has exhibited at the Frederic Marès Museum in Barcelona, as well as at the Palau Robert in Barcelona and at national and international fairs and galleries. Her work is part of the private collection of the Lluís Bassat Foundation, the Artemizia Foundation, and the SETBA Foundation, among others. She is the President of a women’s entrepreneurs’ network, the Xarxa de Dones Empresàries i Emprenedores de Sant Cugat (XDESC), the city where she currently lives.
More about Marta Fàbregas Aragall